Looking Ahead by Looking Behind: The Year 2018 in Digital Ethics and Policy
Bastiaan Vanacker
February 21, 2019
"Looking Back"
First Impression:
It's always best to look at past mistakes, issues, and disasters and learn from them so that the future is looking bright.
"What is the difference between incitement and a threat? At first glance, the answer seems straightforward. Incitement requires that a speaker tells other people to engage in an illegal action, while a threat requires that a speaker credibly communicates to an individual an intent to harm that individual."
Reflection Proper:
This entire essay shows 2018's issues and ethics that became the subject of debates in 2019. From January to December 2018, it shows crucial information that provides lessons, solutions and perhaps problems that may be physical in 2019 --- each month having data crazier than the last one. For instance, in the case of January, which is all about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, the law that "made the web" which " shields internet service providers from legal liability for what third parties post on their platforms or networks", its interpretation in the court due to the fact that some people think it has gone too far, i.e. failure of a lawsuit involving a Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader suing a website involving an anonymous post suggesting that she "had intercourse with half of the football team and had contracted STDs in the process" due to section 230; or its positive side due to the contention of others saying that this law has created such a huge rise in the tech industry's boon, via allowing companies to dedicate their resources to innovation and development instead to compliance and legal fees. Another example would be in the case of May: the General Data Protection Regulation going into effect, which is basically all about enforcing stricter privacy laws.
So based from these few examples, I suggest that every country should do the same as well, not just in the field of digital ethics, but in everything as well, because learning from one's past is beneficial in order to create a brighter present that will create a even brighter future.
5 Things Learned From Article:
I learned that we should learn from the past year in order to shape a better future.
I learned about numerous issues and digital ethics that became huge in 2018.
I learned about the limits of privacy in the subject July 2018's case.
I learned that there is a difference between incitement and threat especially when it comes to online issues.
I learned that one should see the bigger picture in things when it comes to creating solutions and laws (i.e. Section 230).
5 Integrative Questions:
How can we create a better future with information from the past year?
What are some of the numerous issues and/or digital ethics that became well-known in 2018?
What are the limits of privacy that were tested during the #Planebae incident during July 2018?
How does one create an incitement and a threat online?
How can one interpret and possibly create such a better law that doesn't incite such issues like in the case of section 230?
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